Rianne writing a story

Category: Yoga therapy stories

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accesorios de yoga hulpmiddelen en props. oogzakje in hand voor ontspanning tijdens yoga therapie

Yoga props: What do I need for yoga therapy​

ondersteuning in yoga therapie. support in yoga therapy

Finding Support in your Body

why yoga therapy, porque yoga terapia

Discovering Inner Peace: Yoga Therapy for Mind and Body

the healing path: mind, body, emotions, it's all connected

The healing path: changing the mind changes the body and vice versa.

lines in the sky

My view on conspiracy theories and health

The connection between the jaw and the pelvis

Rianne guiding a client in pure movement of the leg while the pelvis stays quiet.

Quick fix or sustainability

reaching the arm of a skeleton out to show pure movement in yoga therapy

Compensations; everything that goes wrong?

cradling the head for deep rest meditation

Active rest as a path to healing

Rianne liggend de diepere lagen voelend

Feeling the deeper layers

tea pot and ayurvedic herbs

Ayurvedas digestive reset part II

Rianne explaining the double fold strip to a client

Tension is not strength

rianne met een client in squat de rug aanrakend.

Balance in strength, support and space

client with hands on body with Rianne's hand supporting

You don’t move slowly enough to get fast results

moving the bones, knee joint. beweeg de botten, kniegewricht

Do more strength training to get rid of chronic pain?

Restorative yoga pose savasana

Pose of the month December: Savasana

restorative yoga pose sleeping dog

Pose of the Month November: Sleeping dog

Reclining butterfly restorative yoga pose

Pose of the month October: Reclining butterfly

Pose of the month pretzel restorative yoga pose

Pose of the Month September: Pretzel

viparita karani or legs up the wall pose

Pose of the Month August: Legs up the Wall

restorative pose tiger in the tree

Pose of the month July: Tiger in the tree

Restorative yoga pose mountain brook

Pose of the month June: Mountain brook

restorative yoga pose shoelace

Pose of the month May: Shoelace

Restorative yoga swan pose

Pose of the month April: Swan pose

Bananasana, side opening restorative yoga pose

Pose of the Month March: Bananasana

Sleeping mermaid restorative yoga pose

Pose of the Month February: Sleeping mermaid

supported bridge restorative yoga pose

Pose of the month January: Supported bridge

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Rianne writing a blog
rianne sitting surrounded by yoga props smiling
Client with neck, shoulder and upper back pain
Rianne in a high lunge on a cork yoga mat in the sun
Rianne in a restorative pose with an eye pillow between her shoulderblades
Rianne guiando la pelvis del cliente durante un movimiento sobre manos y rodillas
Yoga mats and props prepared for class and private session

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