Rianne writing a story

Category: Ayurveda stories

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fill your tank, ayurvedas ojas and prana vital energy

Burnout: You can’t fill your tank if you don’t have one

bringing balance with ayurveda

How to balance yourself Ayurveda style?

ghee for nourishment

Ayurveda recipe: How to make ghee

spiced milk for better sleep

Ayurveda recipes: Spiced milk

lines in the sky

My view on conspiracy theories and health

tea pot and ayurvedic herbs

Ayurvedas digestive reset part II

Ayurveda agni en ama

Āyurveda’s Agni & Āma

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Rianne writing a blog
rianne sitting surrounded by yoga props smiling
Client with neck, shoulder and upper back pain
Rianne in a high lunge on a cork yoga mat in the sun
Rianne in a restorative pose with an eye pillow between her shoulderblades
Rianne guiando la pelvis del cliente durante un movimiento sobre manos y rodillas
Yoga mats and props prepared for class and private session

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