Workshop: Therapeutic Yoga and Ayurveda

Experience the benefits of therapeutic yoga and Ayurveda in this workshop and take away tools to take better care of yourself.

What are Ayurveda and therapeutic yoga really?

Have you heard of Yoga therapy and Ayurveda and are interested? But you feel a bit confused about what the difference is between yoga and yoga therapy and about doshas, which one you are and what to do now? Or maybe you have no clue about any of it.

No worries! So did I years ago. And you know what, there is so much more to it than doing some postures and knowing your dosha. You actually don’t need to know or understand it to already learn how to make Yoga therapy and Ayurveda work for you.

How great would it be to learn how to bring more balance and health into your own life?

When I learned more about Ayurveda during my Yoga therapy training in 2021, a whole new world opened up for me. Since my IgA nephropathy auto-immune condition diagnosis, back in 2019, I’ve been working on lifestyle changes to support myself in staying as healthy as possible. My integral nephrologist is a great help with that, but by finishing my yoga therapy training and beginning my Ayurveda training the actual empowerment started.

For more information or to reserve your spot send me a message at: or +34618538197

taller de yoga terapeutico y ayurveda

Yoga therapy can bring you so much insight into and respect for how the body works. How it compensates to keep you going, even though it may not help in the long run. And how important the nervous system is in working with the body.

What will you learn in this workshop?

In the morning you will discover how to move your body without compensation. Exploring the movement of the bones and joints instead of focusing on the muscles. You will feel the importance of breathing and everything from relaxation, letting go of effort and at the same time building strength and flexibility. We will end with a restorative and deep rest yoga practice to integrate what you have learned.

Ayurveda is a tremendously rich science that shares so much insight about how everything in this world has qualities (gunas). By working with these gunas and by understanding and working with Ayurveda’s three pillars of health (nutrition, sleep and control of the senses), you can learn to bring more balance and well-being into your life. And personally, it has helped me stabilise my autoimmune disease.

After lunch I will share a presentation where I will explain the basic principles of Ayurveda. So you can learn how to apply it in your daily life. There will be plenty of time for questions so that you can easily benefit from this science.

Date: TBA
Location: Vejer de la Frontera
Time: from 9:30-16:00
Costs: €60

This day will include an Ayurvedic lunch. You will also take home a PDF with a lot of information and some Ayurvedic recipes to help you implement it into your life. I work with small groups of maximum 7 people, to ensure personal attention and enough tools to be able to enjoy the restorative yoga practice.

If you already have the feeling  that you would like to experience more than just one day, I invite you to the retreat! Either from July 21-26. A 5-day Inner Buddha Retreat exploring Insight meditation, Yoga therapy a Sound bath and enjoying Ayurvedic inspired meals while in nature.
Or a weekend exploring Connection, self-care and deep rest. A weekend of yoga therapy and Ayurveda, which will return in autumn 2024 to La Semilla Bolonia, Cádiz.

For more information or to reserve your spot send me a message at: or +34618538197

I hope to see you soon!