more balance

with Ayurveda

balans met Ayurveda dieet en leefstijl

Improve your digestion, improve your life

Through the ancient Indian life science that is known as Ayurveda, you can learn to rebalance your system and improve your overall digestion and health.

Your daily food and lifestyle habits have a big influence on your health and well-being. When you are able to make small daily changes, according to what your body needs, your health will improve.

Ayur means life and veda translates to knowledge or wisdom

Ayurveda kitchen spices

Everything that you do, eat and experience, needs to be processed or digested. The stronger your agni (the digestive fire) is, the better you will be able to do that and the more resilient and healthier you’ll feel.

Ayurveda as the science of life works with the natural rhythms and cycles. The rhythms of the days, months, seasons and phases of life all have their own characteristics and needs, which are expressed through you. Are you in balance with this or not? Are you experiencing pain or discomfort or not?

Learn to understand why things are happening and support yourself towards a more balanced life.

I’ve started my Ayurveda journey in 2021 with my teacher Mona Warner (certified ayurvedic doctor). Ayurveda has answered many questions of how to create balance as a kidney patient. Not interfering with my medical treatment, but supporting it through diet and lifestyle adjustments. Through my studies, which are still ongoing, I am now able to help you too as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor.

Feel free to reach out if you would like to know if and how I can help you.

What to expect from an online Ayurvedic consult?

We always start with an extensive intake (up to 2 hours), in which you can share what bothers you and what you want to work on. And I will ask extensive questions about how you are doing and your history.
This allows me to get a good picture of what is going on and what and where, from an Ayurvedic point of view, the imbalance is.

With all the information, fully personalised diet and lifestyle recommendations with explanation will be given to you. We will talk about what you think is feasible for you to change and after 6-12 weeks we’ll have a follow-up (up to 1 hour) to make adjustments or to take the next step. In between you can always ask me questions, doubts or epiphanies via email or whatsapp. These recommendations are complementary to any treatment with a medical specialist and never a substitute for treatment or medication.

Feel free to reach out via email or book your free online introductory consultation call in my calendar.

rianne sitting surrounded by yoga props smiling
Client with neck, shoulder and upper back pain
Rianne in a high lunge on a cork yoga mat in the sun
Rianne in a restorative pose with an eye pillow between her shoulderblades
Rianne guiando la pelvis del cliente durante un movimiento sobre manos y rodillas
Yoga mats and props prepared for class and private session