upcoming yoga therapy and ayurveda events


Join me on a journey.

You can find the upcoming events below.
These can be either live or online via Zoom.

You may find other interesting events on the Dutch and Spanish pages, so don’t forget to look there if you speak the language.

Ayurveda’s 3 Pillars of Health webinar

tips for health and well-being through digestion food and lifestyle

Free webinar: 7 Tips for more Health

ayurveda and yoga therapy retreat may 2025 Spain

Ayurveda & Yoga Therapy Retreat

cradling the head for deep rest meditation

Monthly deep rest meditation class

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Rianne writing a blog
rianne sitting surrounded by yoga props smiling
Client with neck, shoulder and upper back pain
Rianne in a high lunge on a cork yoga mat in the sun
Rianne in a restorative pose with an eye pillow between her shoulderblades
Rianne guiando la pelvis del cliente durante un movimiento sobre manos y rodillas
Yoga mats and props prepared for class and private session

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