
with group journeys

Rianne placing a block on a bolster to prepare for a group class

In group movement classes you’ll be guided through therapeutic yoga practices. You’re invited to explore pure movement, rest and breath, and gain awareness of your body’s capabilities with my guidance.

Please visit the Events page for upcoming workshops and retreats.

The journeys

Deep Rest
Meditation class

Clarity and inner ease
Monthly 60-minute nidra session.

cradling the head for deep rest meditation

Do you get caught up in negative thinking spirals that make you feel overwhelmed, worried and uneasy? Deep Rest meditation guides you, comfortably lying down, to explore the different layers of your being. Reconnect with the ... wisdom you carry inside and inviting back harmony.
Date and time: First Wednesday of the month 16.45-17.45 CET via Zoom.

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Ayurvedic Yoga
10 class series

Healthy balance
Ten weeks, 60-minute classes.

Rianne Wolswinkel laying on a yoga mat showing an yoga pose

Have you heard about Ayurveda and would like to experience how it can bring balance through gentle physical practice? Through this 10-week series you’ll be exploring the Ayurvedic qualities (gunas) through movement, breath and rest. ...
Dates & times: Go to product and indicate that you want to be notified about when the next online series starts.

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Therapeutic series:
Intro to Yoga Therapy

Sense your movement and feel
Seven weeks, 75-minute sessions.

Rianne showing leg bone movement to a client with her skeleton

Do you feel yoga is for you, but what you’ve experienced so far is just too much? With these intro series you can gently explore movement, breath and rest. Understanding pure movement and how everything is connected. Rediscovering yourself. ...
Dates & times: Go to product and indicate that you want to be notified about when the next online series starts.

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Therapeutic series:
Back & Pelvis

Move with ease
Four weeks, 75-minute sessions.

Client having lower back and hip pain

Do you experience discomfort in your lower back, hips or legs? With this series you’re invited to explore your relationship with your back & pelvis and learn to move with less pain. Discover your movement patterns in your lower body. Learning to apply tools that work for you to reduce ... and prevent pain and discomfort. Making space for easeful movement and breathing.
Dates and times: Go to product and indicate that you want to be notified about when the next online series starts.

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Therapeutic series:
Neck & Shoulder

Move with ease
Four weeks, 75-minute sessions.

Client having neck, shoulder and upper back pain

Do you feel yoga is for you, but what you’ve experienced so far is just too much? With these intro series you can gently explore movement, breath and rest. Understanding pure movement and how everything is connected. Rediscovering yourself. ...
Dates and times: Go to product and indicate that you want to be notified about when the next online series starts.

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Therapeutic series:

Spacious and open
Four weeks, 75-minute sessions.

Rianne placing her hand on the clients hand to breathe

Do you experience chronic tensions and are you wondering if you’re breathing well? In this breath series you’re invited to explore your breath. The activation on the exhale and the release on the inhale and how that connects within yourself. Exploring what’s ... happening when you breathe and how should it work.
Dates & times: Go to product and indicate that you want to be notified about when the next online series starts.

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Feel free to reach out if you have questions or and organise your free consultation call.

rianne sitting surrounded by yoga props smiling
Client with neck, shoulder and upper back pain
Rianne in a high lunge on a cork yoga mat in the sun
Rianne in a restorative pose with an eye pillow between her shoulderblades
Rianne guiando la pelvis del cliente durante un movimiento sobre manos y rodillas
Yoga mats and props prepared for class and private session